"A Nationwide Overview of Sight-Singing Requirements of Large-Group Cho" by Charles E. Norris




The purpose of this study was to examine sight-singing requirements at junior and senior high school large-group ratings-based choral festivals throughout the United States. Responses to the following questions were sought from each state: (1) Are there ratings-based large-group choral festivals? (2) Is sight-singing a requirement? (3) Are there specific levels or classes of difficulty? (4) Is musical content specified for each level or class? (5) Is there an overall rating that includes both the performance and sight-singing ratings? Data revealed that less than half of all states require sight singing at large-group festivals at both the junior high and high school levels. Fewer states delineate levels of difficulty, outline musical content to be assessed, and use the sight-singing rating in an overall final rating. Frequency of "yes" responses to all questions was consistently lower at the junior high level. The author suggested further analysis of the most evolved state sight-singing assessment systems to develop a more uniform, sequential system of content, materials, and assessment.


Original Citation: Norris, Charles E. "A Nationwide Overview of Sight-Singing Requirements of Large-Group Choral Festivals." Journal of Research in Music Education 52, no. 1 (2004): 16-28.

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