Peer-reviewed scientific publications | Annis Water Resources Institute | Grand Valley State University


Submissions from 2019


Measuring Streambank Erosion: A Comparison of Erosion Pins, Total Station, and Terrestrial Laser Scanner, Daniel T. L. Myers, Richard R. Rediske, and James N. McNair

Submissions from 2018


Chronicles of hypoxia: Time-series buoy observations reveal annually recurring seasonal basin-wide hypoxia in Muskegon Lake – A Great Lakes estuary, Bopaiah Biddanda, Anthony D. Weinke, Scott T. Kendall, Leon C. Gereaux, Thomas M. Holcomb, Michael J. Snider, Deborah K. Dila, Stephen A. Long, Chris VandenBerg, Katie Knapp, Dirk J. Koopmans, Kurt Thompson, Janet H. Vail, Mary E. Ogdahl, Qianqian Liu, Thomas H. Johengen, Eric J. Anderson, and Steven A. Ruberg


Reducing effects of dispersal on the bias of 2-sample mark-recapture estimators of stream fish abundance, James N. McNair, Carl R. Ruetz III, Ariana Carlson, and Jiyeon Suh

Submissions from 2016


Year-Round Measures of Planktonic Metabolism Reveal Net Autotrophy in Surface Waters of a Great Lakes Estuary, Angela L. Defore, Anthony D. Weinke, Morgan M. Lindback, and Bopaiah A. Biddanda


Symbiont Diversity of Zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium Spp.) In Porities Astreoides and Montastraea Cavernosa from a Reciprocal Transplant in the Lower Florida Keys, Brianna Hauff, Joshua A. Haslun, Kevin B. Strychar, Peggy H. Ostrom, and James M. Cervino


Brain Transcriptional Profiles of Male Alternative Reproductive Tactics and Females in Bluegill Sunfish, Charlyn Partridge


The Impact of Environmental Parameters on Microcystin Production in Dialysis Bag Experiments, Liqiang Xie, Richard Rediske, Nadia Gillett, James O'Keefe, Brian Scull, and Qingju Xue

Submissions from 2015


Seeking Sunlight: Rapid Phototactic Motility of Filamentous Mat-Forming Cyanobacteria Optimize Photosynthesis and Enhance Carbon Burial in Lake Huron’s Submerged Sinkholes, Bopaiah A. Biddanda, Adam C. McMillan, Stephen A. Long, Michael J. Snider, and Anthony D. Weinke

Submissions from 2014


Evidence for Transfer of Membranes From Mesenchymal Stem Cells to HL-1 Cardiac Cells, Robert Boomsma and David Geenen


Decline Of Diporeia in Lake Michigan: Was Disease Associated with Invasive Species the Primary Factor?, Courtney S. Cave and Kevin Strychar


Systematically Variable Planktonic Carbon Metabolism Along a Land-To-Lake Gradient in a Great Lakes Coastal Zone, Anthony D. Weinke, Scott T. Kendall, Daniel J. Kroll, Eric A. Strickler, Maggie E. Weinert, Thomas M. Holcomb, Angela A. Defore, Deborah K. Dila, Michael J. Snider, Leon C. Gereaux, and Bopaiah Biddanda

Submissions from 2013


How to Analyse Seed Germination Data Using Statistical Timeto- event Analysis: Non-parametric and Semi-parametric Methods, James McNair, Anusha Sunkara, and Daniel Forbish


Long-Term Field Performance of Biosand Filters in the Artibonite Valley, Haiti, Andrew J. Sisson, Peter J. Wampler, Richard R. Rediske, and James N. McNair


An Assessment of Long-term Biosand Filter use and Sustainability in the Artibonite Valley near Deschapelles, Haiti, Andrew J. Sisson, Peter J. Wampler, Richard R. Rediske, and Azizur R. Molla


Using ArcMap, Google Earth, and Global Positioning Systems to Select and Locate Random Households in Rural Haiti, Peter J. Wampler, Richard R. Rediske, and Azizur R. Molla

Submissions from 2011


Environmental Variation, Fish Community Composition, and Brown Trout Survival in the Pigeon River, Ottawa County, Michigan, Neil W. MacDonald, Daniel W. Mays, Richard R. Rediske, and Carl R. Ruetz III

Submissions from 2007


Sampling a Littoral Fish Assemblage: Comparison of Small-Mesh Fyke Netting and Boat Electrofishing, Carl R. Ruetz III, Donald G. Uzarski, Damon M. Krueger, and Edward S. Rutherford

Submissions from 2006


Factors influencing internal P loading in a western Michigan, drowned river-mouth lake, Alan D. Steinman, Lori Nemeth, Eric Nemeth, and Richard Rediske

Submissions from 2003


Decoupling Between Bacteria and the Surf-zone Diatom Asterionellopsis glacialis at Cassino Beach, Brazil, Paulo C. Abreu, Leonardo R. Rorig, Virginia Garcia, Clarisse Odebrecht, and Bopaiah Biddanda