Scientific Technical Reports | Annis Water Resources Institute | Grand Valley State University


Submissions from 2010


Assessment of E. coli and Microcystins in Cladophora Mats in the Nearshore Waters of Grand Traverse Bay, Little Traverse Bay, and Saginaw Bay, Richard R. Rediske Ph.D., James O’Keefe, Kate Rieger, and Jeremy D. Rediske

Submissions from 2007


An Environmental Assessment of Little Black Lake, Alan D. Steinman, Mary Ogdahl, and Carl Ruetz

Submissions from 2006


An Analysis of Internal Phosphorus Loading in White Lake, Alan Steinman and Mary Ogdahl

Submissions from 2005


Internal Phosphorus Loading in Spring Lake Eight Months Following an Alum Treatment, Alan Steinman and Mary Ogdahl

Submissions from 2004


Internal Phosphorus Loading in Spring Lake: Year 2, Dr. Alan Steinman, Dr. Rick Rediske, and Mrs. Lori Nemeth

Submissions from 2003


Mona Lake Watershed Resource Atlas, Annis Water Resources Institute


White River Watershed Preliminary Habitat Assessment, Richard Rediske, Matt Cooper, Don Uzarski, Rod Denning, and Dr. Thomas M. Burton


Preliminary Watershed Assessment: Mona Lake Watershed, Alan Steinman, Rick Rediske, Xuefeng Chu, Rod Denning, Lori Nemeth, Don Uzarski, Bopi Biddanda, and Mark Luttenton


Internal Phosphorus Loading in Spring Lake: Year 1, Dr. Alan Steinman and Dr. Rick Rediske

Submissions from 1999


Preliminary Investigation of the Extent of Sediment Contamination in the Lower Grand River, Richard Rediske, Carissa Bertin, Jessica Blunt, and Min Qi

Submissions from 1998


AGRICULTURAL WATER QUALITY INDEX, Jeffrey Cooper, Richard Rediske, Melvin Northup, Mark Thogerson, and Jonathan Van Denend


Agricultural Water Quality Index Field Handout, Jeffrey Cooper, Richard Rediske, Melvin Northup, Mark Thogerson, and Jonathan Van Denend

Submissions from 1997


Preliminary Investigation of the Extent and Effects of Sediment Contamination in White Lake Near Whitehall Leather Tannery, Richard Rediske, Gary Fahnenstiel, Tom Nalepa, Peter Meier, and Claire Schelske