"Global Civil Society: Challenges of Security and Policing" by Brian F. Kingshott and Jan B. Kingshott


Private security, policing, globalization, global civil society


Legal Studies


Globalization broadly refers to the expansion of global linkages, the organization of social life, global consciousness; and an expectation of global societal norms and behaviors underpinned by just laws. The democratization of established and emerging nation states identified challenges of security for its citizens. Emerging nation states require a stable government supported by a comprehensive security apparatus that supports its citizenry. That support is provided by a policing paradigm that embraces the state and private security agencies. The authors discuss the challenges facing the security industry and a law enforcement community policing paradigm that is inclusive, transparent, and accountable.


Original Citation:

Brian F. Kingshott & Jan B. Kingshott (2016) Global Civil Society: Challenges of Security and Policing, Journal of Applied Security Research, 11:4, 385-401. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19361610.2016.1210434

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Legal Studies Commons
