Periodization of a Baseball Pitcher

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Exercise Science

Mentor Information

Amy Crawley,


Kirkhof Center KC61

Start Date

13-4-2011 12:00 PM

End Date

13-4-2011 1:00 PM


Health and Wellness


The purpose of this study was to provide a periodization model for elite baseball pitchers striving to improve performance. Due to very little information available about the efforts of strengthening and conditioning of pitchers this program is very valuable and potentially timely. The methodology provided demonstrates and examines the training, nutrition, and preparation of a typical competitive routine. Limitations of this research include that it has not been validated on actual subjects and therefore cannot be generalized to the population of pitchers as a whole. This effort is vitally significant as the information garnered could potentially influence how pitchers condition both in the off-season as well as in-season. Upon completion of this periodization program pitchers should generate better on-field success by being a “leg-up” in their strength and conditioning program.

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Apr 13th, 12:00 PM Apr 13th, 1:00 PM

Periodization of a Baseball Pitcher

Kirkhof Center KC61

The purpose of this study was to provide a periodization model for elite baseball pitchers striving to improve performance. Due to very little information available about the efforts of strengthening and conditioning of pitchers this program is very valuable and potentially timely. The methodology provided demonstrates and examines the training, nutrition, and preparation of a typical competitive routine. Limitations of this research include that it has not been validated on actual subjects and therefore cannot be generalized to the population of pitchers as a whole. This effort is vitally significant as the information garnered could potentially influence how pitchers condition both in the off-season as well as in-season. Upon completion of this periodization program pitchers should generate better on-field success by being a “leg-up” in their strength and conditioning program.