Special Forces Tactical Training

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Exercise Science

Mentor Information

Amy Crawley, crawleam@gvsu.edu


Henry Hall Atrium 24

Start Date

13-4-2011 12:00 PM

End Date

13-4-2011 1:00 PM


Health and Wellness


With the call to duty in different parts of the world, climates, and the chance of deployment, the Special Forces soldier needs to be in the best physical condition possible year round. The purpose of this study was to create a year-long training periodization model for soldiers that would keep them in shape and able to peak when deployment occurs. This program is pertinent because of the hostile nature of the Special Forces soldiers' missions and the demand for them to be more physically conditioned. This research provides a cardiorespiratory, resistance training, agility/flexibility program aimed at keeping soldiers conditioned. The information gathered can be of great benefit to the military as a faster, stronger, and more agile soldier can get the job done effectively and efficiently. A limitation to this research is that there have not been many related studies done. With the design of the program, the armed forces will be able to train at a maximal level to prepare for warfare.

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Apr 13th, 12:00 PM Apr 13th, 1:00 PM

Special Forces Tactical Training

Henry Hall Atrium 24

With the call to duty in different parts of the world, climates, and the chance of deployment, the Special Forces soldier needs to be in the best physical condition possible year round. The purpose of this study was to create a year-long training periodization model for soldiers that would keep them in shape and able to peak when deployment occurs. This program is pertinent because of the hostile nature of the Special Forces soldiers' missions and the demand for them to be more physically conditioned. This research provides a cardiorespiratory, resistance training, agility/flexibility program aimed at keeping soldiers conditioned. The information gathered can be of great benefit to the military as a faster, stronger, and more agile soldier can get the job done effectively and efficiently. A limitation to this research is that there have not been many related studies done. With the design of the program, the armed forces will be able to train at a maximal level to prepare for warfare.