A Statistical Consulting Experience: Evaluating Golf Swings

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Communications - Journalism, Statistics

Mentor Information

Heather Gulgin, gulginh@gvsu.edu; Neal Rogness, rognessn@gvsu.edu


Movement Science, Statistics


Henry Hall Atrium 46

Start Date

13-4-2011 2:00 PM

End Date

13-4-2011 3:00 PM


Heather Gulgin, of the faculty in the Movement Science Department, wanted to know if there were any correlations between physical movements, body types and golf swing faults. She collected various body measurements, proctored a physical fitness test and recorded the participants' golf swings using a video camera, to look for some previously established golf swing errors. Our job as statistical consultants was to run correlation analyses of the data set she created from the participants' body measurements, level of physical fitness and golf swing. By comparing the correlation coefficients, we will help Professor Gulgin determine if there is any relationship with various physical limitations and specific golf swing faults. In addition, comparison of these correlation coefficients would determine if there is any relationship between body somatotype and typical golf swing faults.

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Apr 13th, 2:00 PM Apr 13th, 3:00 PM

A Statistical Consulting Experience: Evaluating Golf Swings

Henry Hall Atrium 46

Heather Gulgin, of the faculty in the Movement Science Department, wanted to know if there were any correlations between physical movements, body types and golf swing faults. She collected various body measurements, proctored a physical fitness test and recorded the participants' golf swings using a video camera, to look for some previously established golf swing errors. Our job as statistical consultants was to run correlation analyses of the data set she created from the participants' body measurements, level of physical fitness and golf swing. By comparing the correlation coefficients, we will help Professor Gulgin determine if there is any relationship with various physical limitations and specific golf swing faults. In addition, comparison of these correlation coefficients would determine if there is any relationship between body somatotype and typical golf swing faults.