Urban Agriculture

Presentation Type

Oral and/or Visual Presentation

Presenter Major(s)

Psychology, Sociology

Mentor Information

Joseph Verschaeve, verschaj@gvsu.edu


Kirkhof Center 2263

Start Date

13-4-2011 9:00 AM

End Date

13-4-2011 9:30 AM


Changing Ideas/Changing Worlds, Environment, Social Science, Sustainability


Urban agriculture is the practice of growing food in urban reas. The group I participated in worked on a seven week intensive project to discover how to research this topic and what can be done within the confines of the Grand Rapids area. We broke into three working groups and came up with four ideas of how to incorporate this into Grand Rapids. Each group had their own mission statements to work from and we discussed creating an agricultural truck, using a parking garage to cultivate vegetables, having an agro-hub for farmers to connect to each other, as well as having a do it yourself kit. We presented he ideas and one of them, the kit, is in the process of becoming a reality. The focus of the paper is to show Urban agriculture through the sociological imagination and relate it to our community.

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Apr 13th, 9:00 AM Apr 13th, 9:30 AM

Urban Agriculture

Kirkhof Center 2263

Urban agriculture is the practice of growing food in urban reas. The group I participated in worked on a seven week intensive project to discover how to research this topic and what can be done within the confines of the Grand Rapids area. We broke into three working groups and came up with four ideas of how to incorporate this into Grand Rapids. Each group had their own mission statements to work from and we discussed creating an agricultural truck, using a parking garage to cultivate vegetables, having an agro-hub for farmers to connect to each other, as well as having a do it yourself kit. We presented he ideas and one of them, the kit, is in the process of becoming a reality. The focus of the paper is to show Urban agriculture through the sociological imagination and relate it to our community.