Factors Influencing Physician Assistants to Practice in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Presentation Type

Oral and/or Visual Presentation

Presenter Major(s)

Physician Assistant Studies

Mentor Information

Wallace Boeve, boevew@gvsu.edu


Physician Assistant Studies


Kirkhof Center 2270

Start Date

13-4-2011 3:00 PM

End Date

13-4-2011 3:30 PM


Health and Wellness


Rural areas are abundant throughout the country and they suffer from a shortage of medical practitioners. This shortage causes these areas to be medically underserved. The recruitment and retention of practitioners to these areas continues to be a major problem. Although many studies have been performed on physicians in rural areas, there is a lack of research on physician assistants (PAs). In addition to this lack of research, certain geographical areas, like the Upper Peninsula (U.P.) in Michigan, also lack research data regarding recruitment and retention efforts. The purpose of this study was to discover information regarding the most influential factors that recruited current PAs to the U.P., as well as retention factors that influenced them to remain there. This study looked at job satisfaction, family factors, lifestyle factors, and environmental factors of the current PAs who are practicing in the U.P. Data collection, data analysis, and results of this study are pending.

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Apr 13th, 3:00 PM Apr 13th, 3:30 PM

Factors Influencing Physician Assistants to Practice in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Kirkhof Center 2270

Rural areas are abundant throughout the country and they suffer from a shortage of medical practitioners. This shortage causes these areas to be medically underserved. The recruitment and retention of practitioners to these areas continues to be a major problem. Although many studies have been performed on physicians in rural areas, there is a lack of research on physician assistants (PAs). In addition to this lack of research, certain geographical areas, like the Upper Peninsula (U.P.) in Michigan, also lack research data regarding recruitment and retention efforts. The purpose of this study was to discover information regarding the most influential factors that recruited current PAs to the U.P., as well as retention factors that influenced them to remain there. This study looked at job satisfaction, family factors, lifestyle factors, and environmental factors of the current PAs who are practicing in the U.P. Data collection, data analysis, and results of this study are pending.