Management of Obesity in Childhood by Area Clinicians

Presentation Type

Oral and/or Visual Presentation

Presenter Major(s)

Physician Assistant Studies

Mentor Information

Andrew Booth,; Phyllis Curtiss,; William Stratbucker,


Physician Assistant Studies, Statistics, AAHI - Not a GVSU Department (African American Health Institute


Kirkhof Center 2270

Start Date

13-4-2011 9:00 AM

End Date

13-4-2011 9:30 AM


Health and Wellness, Health, Illness, and Healing


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported childhood obesity prevalence increased 7.4% over three decades. Pediatric clinicians are important in managing obesity. However, studies revealed only 50% of pediatric practitioners routinely counsel children about obesity. A nationwide survey showed a lack of confidence in pediatric practitioners about managing obesity. Fortunately, most clinicians are interested in learning how to manage obesity. Recently, childhood obesity resources for local practitioners became available. Thus to understand how local clinicians feel about childhood obesity is imperative. Objective: The goal is to assess local pediatric clinicians' current practice, confidence, barriers and opportunities for improvement with childhood obesity. West Michigan pediatric clinicians through Spectrum Health will be surveyed about experiences, attitudes and treatments for childhood obesity and opinions for a obesity referral center. Results and Conclusions: Pending

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Apr 13th, 9:00 AM Apr 13th, 9:30 AM

Management of Obesity in Childhood by Area Clinicians

Kirkhof Center 2270

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported childhood obesity prevalence increased 7.4% over three decades. Pediatric clinicians are important in managing obesity. However, studies revealed only 50% of pediatric practitioners routinely counsel children about obesity. A nationwide survey showed a lack of confidence in pediatric practitioners about managing obesity. Fortunately, most clinicians are interested in learning how to manage obesity. Recently, childhood obesity resources for local practitioners became available. Thus to understand how local clinicians feel about childhood obesity is imperative. Objective: The goal is to assess local pediatric clinicians' current practice, confidence, barriers and opportunities for improvement with childhood obesity. West Michigan pediatric clinicians through Spectrum Health will be surveyed about experiences, attitudes and treatments for childhood obesity and opinions for a obesity referral center. Results and Conclusions: Pending