Michigan Job Sector Change

Presentation Type

Oral and/or Visual Presentation

Presenter Major(s)

Geography and Planning, Geographic Techniques (Minor)

Mentor Information

Wanxiao Sun, sunwa@gvsu.edu


Geography and Planning


Kirkhof Center 2263

Start Date

13-4-2011 9:30 AM

End Date

13-4-2011 10:00 AM


Historical Perspectives, Social Class


The Michigan job market has been quite volatile. Over the last 5 decades we've seen fluctuation in agricultural, manufacturing and service jobs. The objective of this research is to display this shrink and growth or change of job sectors (primary, secondary, tertiary) in the state of Michigan. Occupation data for the state can be obtained from the censuses. Computer programs will be written and implemented to manipulate the data as desired. Google Earth/Maps will be used to display the data since Google Earth provides quality, labeled maps that are incredibly interactive. The viewer then becomes a user and is able to search for places of interest or discover places and cities by just zooming and panning. The data can be saved and viewed by decade online through a browser by anyone. Also, ArcMap will be used to create print maps.

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Apr 13th, 9:30 AM Apr 13th, 10:00 AM

Michigan Job Sector Change

Kirkhof Center 2263

The Michigan job market has been quite volatile. Over the last 5 decades we've seen fluctuation in agricultural, manufacturing and service jobs. The objective of this research is to display this shrink and growth or change of job sectors (primary, secondary, tertiary) in the state of Michigan. Occupation data for the state can be obtained from the censuses. Computer programs will be written and implemented to manipulate the data as desired. Google Earth/Maps will be used to display the data since Google Earth provides quality, labeled maps that are incredibly interactive. The viewer then becomes a user and is able to search for places of interest or discover places and cities by just zooming and panning. The data can be saved and viewed by decade online through a browser by anyone. Also, ArcMap will be used to create print maps.