Patient/Provider Electronic Mail Communication

Presentation Type

Oral and/or Visual Presentation

Presenter Major(s)

Physician Assistant Studies, Chemistry

Mentor Information

Wallace Boeve,


Physician Assistant Studies


Kirkhof Center 1142

Start Date

13-4-2011 2:00 PM

End Date

13-4-2011 2:30 PM


Changing Ideas/Changing Worlds, Culture, Gender, Health and Wellness, Health, Illness, and Healing, Human Journey, Media, Technology


Access to information technology has increased dramatically in the past decade, with electronic health care changing medical practice. Included in this change are consumers expecting convenience and access to their healthcare provider through electronic communication. Key questions include how and when communication should be used between provider and consumer. Historically, providers resisted use of, citing concerns with: increasing workloads, lack of reimbursement, limited diagnostic ability, as well as privacy, security, and liability issues. This study seeks to understand Michigan healthcare providers attitudes towards the use of Internet communications with their patients and identify the barriers and facilitators to their use. Internet-linked survey to all Physician Assistants that are MAPA (Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants) members. Approximately 800 surveys will be distributed in March, 2011.

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Apr 13th, 2:00 PM Apr 13th, 2:30 PM

Patient/Provider Electronic Mail Communication

Kirkhof Center 1142

Access to information technology has increased dramatically in the past decade, with electronic health care changing medical practice. Included in this change are consumers expecting convenience and access to their healthcare provider through electronic communication. Key questions include how and when communication should be used between provider and consumer. Historically, providers resisted use of, citing concerns with: increasing workloads, lack of reimbursement, limited diagnostic ability, as well as privacy, security, and liability issues. This study seeks to understand Michigan healthcare providers attitudes towards the use of Internet communications with their patients and identify the barriers and facilitators to their use. Internet-linked survey to all Physician Assistants that are MAPA (Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants) members. Approximately 800 surveys will be distributed in March, 2011.