Act On Racism
Presenter Major(s)
Liberal Studies
Mentor Information
Jennifer Stewart
Kirkhof Center 0051
Start Date
11-4-2012 4:00 PM
Changing Ideas/Changing Worlds, Culture, Human Rights, Identity
Act on Racism (AOR) focuses on the way racism and racial inequality operate in the US. Members of AOR gather stories from community members (professors, students, parents, and friends) about their experiences with prejudice, discrimination, institutional exclusion and marginalization, and stereotyping. Through intensive practice, member-actors negotiate ways to dramatize these stories. The resulting skits attempt to remain as true to the original incidents as possible in order to illustrate issues in our community.
Act On Racism
Kirkhof Center 0051
Act on Racism (AOR) focuses on the way racism and racial inequality operate in the US. Members of AOR gather stories from community members (professors, students, parents, and friends) about their experiences with prejudice, discrimination, institutional exclusion and marginalization, and stereotyping. Through intensive practice, member-actors negotiate ways to dramatize these stories. The resulting skits attempt to remain as true to the original incidents as possible in order to illustrate issues in our community.