Organ Transplant in Islam

Presentation Type

Oral and/or Visual Presentation

Presenter Major(s)


Mentor Information

Chad Lingwood




Kirkhof Center 2266

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:30 AM


Culture, Death and Dying, Ethics, Religion


I chose the topic of organ transplantation because of the mystery it holds and the importance it has within the religion of Islam. When the holy book, the Qur'an, was written organ donation was not scientifically thought possible so clear guidelines for organ donation and acceptance are not defined within it. My presentation will attempt to bring to light some of the issues concerning organ transplantation within the religion of Islam. Some Muslims it is believed that organ donation damages the body and will be unable to resurrect properly or at all. Contrastingly other Muslims believe that because giving organs is for the greater good that it is permissible even though it involves tampering with the body. Many factors go into considering whether organ donation is permissible some factors to be explained through my presentation include: biologically decreased donors verses brain-dead living donors, and live donors giving unnecessary organs.

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Apr 11th, 9:30 AM

Organ Transplant in Islam

Kirkhof Center 2266

I chose the topic of organ transplantation because of the mystery it holds and the importance it has within the religion of Islam. When the holy book, the Qur'an, was written organ donation was not scientifically thought possible so clear guidelines for organ donation and acceptance are not defined within it. My presentation will attempt to bring to light some of the issues concerning organ transplantation within the religion of Islam. Some Muslims it is believed that organ donation damages the body and will be unable to resurrect properly or at all. Contrastingly other Muslims believe that because giving organs is for the greater good that it is permissible even though it involves tampering with the body. Many factors go into considering whether organ donation is permissible some factors to be explained through my presentation include: biologically decreased donors verses brain-dead living donors, and live donors giving unnecessary organs.