An Exploration of the Maasai People

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Mathematics, Education

Mentor Information

Lisa Kasmer




Henry Hall Atrium 66

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM


Culture, Gender


During the month of May 2011, we traveled to Arusha, Tanzania. While there, we spent one weekend in Monduli, a Maasai village. Through the many experiences this provided us with, we became interested in the Maasai people and we began first-hand research with Maasai people who we saw on a daily basis. In addition, we chose several topics concerning the Maasai people that were of particular interest to us to research more in depth. We took special interest in the Maasai culture specifically including their appearance, family structure, and rank system. The Maasai people take much pride in their history, so we chose to discuss different theories about the Maasai origins including traditional religious beliefs. We also spent a significant amount of time researching the Maasai education system from lessons in the bush to formal classroom educations. Through our personal experiences and research, we have come to appreciate the simplistic yet intricate Maasai way of life.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

An Exploration of the Maasai People

Henry Hall Atrium 66

During the month of May 2011, we traveled to Arusha, Tanzania. While there, we spent one weekend in Monduli, a Maasai village. Through the many experiences this provided us with, we became interested in the Maasai people and we began first-hand research with Maasai people who we saw on a daily basis. In addition, we chose several topics concerning the Maasai people that were of particular interest to us to research more in depth. We took special interest in the Maasai culture specifically including their appearance, family structure, and rank system. The Maasai people take much pride in their history, so we chose to discuss different theories about the Maasai origins including traditional religious beliefs. We also spent a significant amount of time researching the Maasai education system from lessons in the bush to formal classroom educations. Through our personal experiences and research, we have come to appreciate the simplistic yet intricate Maasai way of life.