Familial Similarities in the Acoustic Vowel Quadrilateral

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Health Professions

Mentor Information

Beth Macauley


College of Health Professions


Henry Hall Atrium 88

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM




This poster will report on the similarities of vowel production in an extended family unit. Seven members of a family from west Michigan produced the four corner vowels (beet, bat, boot, bot) into an acoustic analysis software package. The resulting first and second formants for each vowel were recorded and plotted on a F1xF2 graph. The plots for each vowel were connected forming quadrilaterals for each family member. Many of the quadrilateral plots were the same across family members or within one SD of the mean. The vowel quadrilateral plots for the family members were all distinctly different from plots from persons outside the family, such as other class members.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

Familial Similarities in the Acoustic Vowel Quadrilateral

Henry Hall Atrium 88

This poster will report on the similarities of vowel production in an extended family unit. Seven members of a family from west Michigan produced the four corner vowels (beet, bat, boot, bot) into an acoustic analysis software package. The resulting first and second formants for each vowel were recorded and plotted on a F1xF2 graph. The plots for each vowel were connected forming quadrilaterals for each family member. Many of the quadrilateral plots were the same across family members or within one SD of the mean. The vowel quadrilateral plots for the family members were all distinctly different from plots from persons outside the family, such as other class members.