Main Stage at Muskegon Summer Celebration: A Statistical Consulting Experience

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Mathematics, Psychology

Mentor Information

Neal Rogness




Kirkhof Center KC25

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM


The Main Stage venue at Muskegon Summer Celebration (MSC) takes place in Muskegon, Michigan. It is an event for concerts, buying food, and enjoying one's self. Becky Wilson, the MSC Survey Committee Chair, along with other members of the committee have collected data for the Main Stage venue over the past four years. As statistical consultants, Becky asked for our expertise to help discover any trends present in the responses across four years of data. This presentation explores the overall experience of learning to be an effective statistical consultant in STA 319, Statistics Project.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

Main Stage at Muskegon Summer Celebration: A Statistical Consulting Experience

Kirkhof Center KC25

The Main Stage venue at Muskegon Summer Celebration (MSC) takes place in Muskegon, Michigan. It is an event for concerts, buying food, and enjoying one's self. Becky Wilson, the MSC Survey Committee Chair, along with other members of the committee have collected data for the Main Stage venue over the past four years. As statistical consultants, Becky asked for our expertise to help discover any trends present in the responses across four years of data. This presentation explores the overall experience of learning to be an effective statistical consultant in STA 319, Statistics Project.