Modeling Social Networks with Random and Fuzzy Graphs

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Statistics, Mathematics

Mentor Information

Jiyeon Suh




Henry Hall Atrium 40

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM


In this project, random weight graph models are extended to the fuzzy case, where fuzzy probability theory drives the stochastic process. To illustrate, suppose that an edge in a weighted graph is known to exist between two particular vertices but the strength of that edge is unclear. To determine the strength of this edge, we find the conditional expectation of a fuzzy random variable conditioned on the strength of mutual friends shared by the two vertices. The calculation of expected weight in this manner drives the stochastic process as a new vertex is connected randomly to the graph with each iteration. We discuss the efficacy of our approach as a modeling tool, interesting growth characteristics of the model, and possible modifications to the process.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

Modeling Social Networks with Random and Fuzzy Graphs

Henry Hall Atrium 40

In this project, random weight graph models are extended to the fuzzy case, where fuzzy probability theory drives the stochastic process. To illustrate, suppose that an edge in a weighted graph is known to exist between two particular vertices but the strength of that edge is unclear. To determine the strength of this edge, we find the conditional expectation of a fuzzy random variable conditioned on the strength of mutual friends shared by the two vertices. The calculation of expected weight in this manner drives the stochastic process as a new vertex is connected randomly to the graph with each iteration. We discuss the efficacy of our approach as a modeling tool, interesting growth characteristics of the model, and possible modifications to the process.