Intelligent Design as a Meta-Science to Interpret Scientific Facts

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Biomedical Sciences

Mentor Information

Sheldon Kopperl


Biomedical Sciences


Henry Hall Atrium 65

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM


Philosophy/ Literature, Physical Science, Religion


The battle between religion and science has been at the forefront of the search for truth. Philosopher Karl Popper defined science by arguing that scientific theories are abstract in nature and must have the ability to be falsified. Popper also described anything that cannot be falsified as a meta-science. Intelligent design, which claims the existence of a higher power can be seen in nature, therefore must be a meta-science rather than a religion-based belief system. Advances in biochemistry such as the concepts of irreducible complexity and minimal function support intelligent design. Together, these two elements reveal flaws in Darwin's theory of natural selection. The Big Bang Theory further strengthens the claim of an intelligent designer through evidence of the existence of cosmic microwave background radiation, the origin of light elements and Hubble's Law. Intelligent design, as a meta-science, provides a satisfactory conceptual paradigm for interpreting scientific facts.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

Intelligent Design as a Meta-Science to Interpret Scientific Facts

Henry Hall Atrium 65

The battle between religion and science has been at the forefront of the search for truth. Philosopher Karl Popper defined science by arguing that scientific theories are abstract in nature and must have the ability to be falsified. Popper also described anything that cannot be falsified as a meta-science. Intelligent design, which claims the existence of a higher power can be seen in nature, therefore must be a meta-science rather than a religion-based belief system. Advances in biochemistry such as the concepts of irreducible complexity and minimal function support intelligent design. Together, these two elements reveal flaws in Darwin's theory of natural selection. The Big Bang Theory further strengthens the claim of an intelligent designer through evidence of the existence of cosmic microwave background radiation, the origin of light elements and Hubble's Law. Intelligent design, as a meta-science, provides a satisfactory conceptual paradigm for interpreting scientific facts.