Role of Policy to Sustain International Development Programs -An Ethno Scientific Analysis

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Mentor Information

Azizur Molla




Henry Hall Atrium 28

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM


Culture, Globalization, Sustainability, World Perspective


This study aimed to identify the role of policy in the contribution of sustainability in community based development programs in international communities. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play an important role in developing and continuing programs in many parts of the world including Kenya, China, and Canada. I have conducted a survey with the employees of two international NGOs, employees who have influence in the decision making processes. I analyzed the policies and strategies of the organizations and their contributions to sustainability through the programs these organizations implement. Through this analysis, areas of strength as well as areas needing improvement were found.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

Role of Policy to Sustain International Development Programs -An Ethno Scientific Analysis

Henry Hall Atrium 28

This study aimed to identify the role of policy in the contribution of sustainability in community based development programs in international communities. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play an important role in developing and continuing programs in many parts of the world including Kenya, China, and Canada. I have conducted a survey with the employees of two international NGOs, employees who have influence in the decision making processes. I analyzed the policies and strategies of the organizations and their contributions to sustainability through the programs these organizations implement. Through this analysis, areas of strength as well as areas needing improvement were found.