Identification of Tissue-Specific mRNA Expression from the Hdc gene of Drosophila melanogaster

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Biomedical Sciences

Mentor Information

Martin Burg


Biomedical Sciences


Kirkhof Center KC38

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM


Life Science


The Histidine decarboxylase (Hdc) gene is responsible for the synthesis of histamine in both the brain and peripheral tissues. Recently, two mRNA isoforms of the Hdc gene were identified, which differ at either end of the mRNA molecule. The goal of this project is to determine whether Hdc mRNA isoform expression is tissue-specific, reflecting the difference in histamine distribution in the adult fly. Currently, two regions of the Hdc gene are being used for anti-sense riboprobe synthesis: one probe should bind to all Hdc mRNAs, and the other probe should bind specifically to a unique mRNA isoform. DNA for probe synthesis was cloned and antisense riboprobe for the common isoform has been synthesized using a FISH Tag RNA kit. This riboprobe is currently being hybridized to tissue sections from adults to demonstrate the location of general Hdc expression. Future work will use the second probe to determine whether a unique isoform from the Hdc gene is tissue-specific.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

Identification of Tissue-Specific mRNA Expression from the Hdc gene of Drosophila melanogaster

Kirkhof Center KC38

The Histidine decarboxylase (Hdc) gene is responsible for the synthesis of histamine in both the brain and peripheral tissues. Recently, two mRNA isoforms of the Hdc gene were identified, which differ at either end of the mRNA molecule. The goal of this project is to determine whether Hdc mRNA isoform expression is tissue-specific, reflecting the difference in histamine distribution in the adult fly. Currently, two regions of the Hdc gene are being used for anti-sense riboprobe synthesis: one probe should bind to all Hdc mRNAs, and the other probe should bind specifically to a unique mRNA isoform. DNA for probe synthesis was cloned and antisense riboprobe for the common isoform has been synthesized using a FISH Tag RNA kit. This riboprobe is currently being hybridized to tissue sections from adults to demonstrate the location of general Hdc expression. Future work will use the second probe to determine whether a unique isoform from the Hdc gene is tissue-specific.