Freedom and Islam: A World Study, 1990-2010

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Geography and Planning

Mentor Information

Wanxiao Sun


Geography and Planning


Henry Hall Atrium 41

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM


Freedom and Control, Religion


A study was conducted on freedom and Islam worldwide between 1990 and 2010. The purpose of this study was to examine and map the relationship between the percentage of the population that is Muslim in a country and freedom as defined by Freedom House. Freedom House classified their data as Free, Partially Free and Unfree. Data were analyzed with ANOVA using the FH freedom class as grouping variable and percent of country population that is Muslim as the test variable. Bivariable maps were created and incorporated into ArcGIS for visualizing and analyzing the relationship between Islam and freedom. Results showed an inverse relationship between the variables: the mean percent of the population that was Muslim in 2010 was significantly lower in the Free class compared to the Partly Free and Unfree classes. Keywords: Freedom, Islam.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

Freedom and Islam: A World Study, 1990-2010

Henry Hall Atrium 41

A study was conducted on freedom and Islam worldwide between 1990 and 2010. The purpose of this study was to examine and map the relationship between the percentage of the population that is Muslim in a country and freedom as defined by Freedom House. Freedom House classified their data as Free, Partially Free and Unfree. Data were analyzed with ANOVA using the FH freedom class as grouping variable and percent of country population that is Muslim as the test variable. Bivariable maps were created and incorporated into ArcGIS for visualizing and analyzing the relationship between Islam and freedom. Results showed an inverse relationship between the variables: the mean percent of the population that was Muslim in 2010 was significantly lower in the Free class compared to the Partly Free and Unfree classes. Keywords: Freedom, Islam.