Training Program Results for Triathletes

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Exercise Science, Movement Science

Mentor Information

Amy Crawley


Movement Science


Kirkhof Center KC64

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM




Triathletes demonstrate endurance and strength over the course of three physically demanding tasks, swimming, running, and cycling. In order to develop each of these strengths to the fullest potential, athletes must take part in a training regiment that has been researched thoroughly and catered to their specific performance. By analyzing the muscles and metabolic systems used in each task it is possible to accommodate their training protocol to their physical performance needs. The purpose of this presentation was to provide a periodized training protocol, individualized for each event, for the competitive triathlete. A review of previous research was completed to develop a year round training program to increase the level of performance of a triathlete. Anyone who is going to compete in a triathlon would benefit from this training program. Limitations are that all research was done on review of literate and not on subjects.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

Training Program Results for Triathletes

Kirkhof Center KC64

Triathletes demonstrate endurance and strength over the course of three physically demanding tasks, swimming, running, and cycling. In order to develop each of these strengths to the fullest potential, athletes must take part in a training regiment that has been researched thoroughly and catered to their specific performance. By analyzing the muscles and metabolic systems used in each task it is possible to accommodate their training protocol to their physical performance needs. The purpose of this presentation was to provide a periodized training protocol, individualized for each event, for the competitive triathlete. A review of previous research was completed to develop a year round training program to increase the level of performance of a triathlete. Anyone who is going to compete in a triathlon would benefit from this training program. Limitations are that all research was done on review of literate and not on subjects.