American Idealism or Imperialism? An Analysis of the Panama Canal

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Political Science

Mentor Information

Andrew Schlewitz


Area Studies - Latin American Studies


Henry Hall Atrium 81

Start Date

10-4-2013 11:00 AM

End Date

10-4-2013 12:00 PM


Historical Perspectives, Social Science, World Perspective


The construction of the Panama Canal in 1904 was a foreign policy objective on a scale larger than anything the United States had attempted up to this point in history. The monumental obstacles that impeded its production, as well as the outright monetary cost incurred by the United States, makes it evident that huge returns were expected on such a massive investment to make it worthwhile. This project will analyze the political, economic, and strategic factors behind America's desire to engage in such an undertaking and determine whether or not this enterprise could be ideologically construed as an Imperialist action. Additionally, this project will examine the impact the Panama Canal had in terms of its contribution to the rise of the United States into a regional and global hegemon and resulting consequences.

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Apr 10th, 11:00 AM Apr 10th, 12:00 PM

American Idealism or Imperialism? An Analysis of the Panama Canal

Henry Hall Atrium 81

The construction of the Panama Canal in 1904 was a foreign policy objective on a scale larger than anything the United States had attempted up to this point in history. The monumental obstacles that impeded its production, as well as the outright monetary cost incurred by the United States, makes it evident that huge returns were expected on such a massive investment to make it worthwhile. This project will analyze the political, economic, and strategic factors behind America's desire to engage in such an undertaking and determine whether or not this enterprise could be ideologically construed as an Imperialist action. Additionally, this project will examine the impact the Panama Canal had in terms of its contribution to the rise of the United States into a regional and global hegemon and resulting consequences.