ScholarWorks@GVSU - Student Scholars Day: Pollutant Effects on Neurophysiological Recordings from Sensory And Motor Neurons Of The Crayfish


Pollutant Effects on Neurophysiological Recordings from Sensory And Motor Neurons Of The Crayfish

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Physics, Biomedical Sciences

Mentor Information

Dan Bergman


Biomedical Sciences


Henry Hall Atrium 47

Start Date

10-4-2013 12:00 PM

End Date

10-4-2013 1:00 PM


Environment, Life Science


Proper sensory input and motor output relies on constant nervous system activity. We proposed to test the neurological effects of a chemical pollutant on crayfish, Orconectes propinquus. Nonylphenol is a chemical used in detergents and pesticides that is commonly concentrated in crayfish, fish, and birds. Crayfish were exposed to 0.20 µL of nonylphenol for seven days. At the conclusion, crayfish behavioral responses were tested by allowing crayfish to find food in a Y-maze. Data recorded included percent success finding food, time to find food, time spent motionless, and time spent in the food arm of the Y-maze. In phase two of experiments, primary sensory and motor neurons were isolated to test changes in membrane potential across axonal membranes. By doing so, we will elucidate any alterations in neuronal signals due to nonylphenol exposure. For example, a reduction in neuronal signaling would indicate the pollutant directly affects the crayfish nervous system.

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Apr 10th, 12:00 PM Apr 10th, 1:00 PM

Pollutant Effects on Neurophysiological Recordings from Sensory And Motor Neurons Of The Crayfish

Henry Hall Atrium 47

Proper sensory input and motor output relies on constant nervous system activity. We proposed to test the neurological effects of a chemical pollutant on crayfish, Orconectes propinquus. Nonylphenol is a chemical used in detergents and pesticides that is commonly concentrated in crayfish, fish, and birds. Crayfish were exposed to 0.20 µL of nonylphenol for seven days. At the conclusion, crayfish behavioral responses were tested by allowing crayfish to find food in a Y-maze. Data recorded included percent success finding food, time to find food, time spent motionless, and time spent in the food arm of the Y-maze. In phase two of experiments, primary sensory and motor neurons were isolated to test changes in membrane potential across axonal membranes. By doing so, we will elucidate any alterations in neuronal signals due to nonylphenol exposure. For example, a reduction in neuronal signaling would indicate the pollutant directly affects the crayfish nervous system.