Peer Reviewed Articles | Statistics Department | Grand Valley State University


Submissions from 2017


Third Grade and Concurrent Predictors of Engagement and Achievement in Reading, Courtney Karasinski and Kirk Anderson

Submissions from 2012


Intelligent Transportation System Real Time Traffic Speed Prediction with Minimal Data, Luana Georgescu, David Zeitler, and Charles R. Standridge Ph.D.


Teacher Quality and Quality Teaching: Examining the Relationship of a Teacher Assessment to Practice, Heather C. Hill, Kristin Umland, Erica Litke, and Laura R. Kapitula


EMG Activation of the Vastus Medialis Oblique and Vastus Lateralis During Four Rehabilitative Exercises, Debra Kushion, Jessica Rheaume, Kim Kopchitz, Stephen Glass, Gordon Alderink, and Jann-Huei Jinn

Submissions from 2011


Reduced Time for Urinary Alkalinization Before High-Dose Methotrexate with Preadmission Oral Bicarbonate, Polly E. Kintzel, Alan D. Campbell, Kathleen J. Yost, Brett T. Brinker, Nicole V. Arradaza, Daniel Frobish, Alison M. Wehr, and Timothy J. O'Rourke

Submissions from 1995


Soft Modeling and Special Education, Steven Pulos and Neal Rogness