"Perceptions of Patients, Nurses, and Physicians Regarding Nursing as a" by Ann R. Robach

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (M.S.N.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing

First Advisor

Katherine Kim

Second Advisor

Kay Kline

Third Advisor

Nathalie Ostroot


The United States is facing a critical shortage of nurses. A prevailing societal perception of nursing having a subservient role in health care prevents many recruits from choosing this career, despite efforts by nursing leaders to change this perception (Styles, 1988). The purpose of this study was to determine the current perceptions of patients, nurses, and physicians regarding nursing as a profession.; A 20 item modified version of Valiga's View of Nursing Questionnaire was implemented for this study. The subjects included 102 patients, 126 nurses, and 68 physicians who completed the questionnaire in the fall of 1991.; Statistical analysis revealed distinct differences among the three groups. The professional attributes of nursing had positive mean scores among all three groups, as well as several traditional attributes. It was concluded that, though some progress toward professionalism had been made, much effort by nurses themselves was still needed to change the traditional perception of nursing.


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