Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Engineering (M.S.E.)

Degree Program

School of Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. John Farris

Second Advisor

Dr. Samhita Rhodes

Third Advisor

Dr. Shabbir Choudhuri

Academic Year



Evacuated tubes are the industry standard for drawing blood and have improved phlebotomist and patient safety as well as paved the way for laboratory automation. Current practices using evacuated tubes do not allow caregivers to control the volume of blood drawn, leading to blood waste in hospital settings. This overdrawing of blood has led to the prevalence of iatrogenic anemia, or hospital acquired anemia (HAA). HAA represents a significant risk to patients, leading to increased adverse conditions, and a higher consumption of hospital resources. This study seeks to model the efficacy of a potential new medical device. The proposed device would interface with standard evacuated tubes to control the volume of blood drawn at the point of care to limit blood waste. Blood draw orders for 433 patients were acquired from a local hospital system. This study models changes in patient risk for developing HAA, rates of transfusions, and mortality for the proposed medical device. Patients’ average daily phlebotomy, the adjusted odds ratios based on surplus blood drawn, and potential cost savings per patient treated were calculated for various draw conditions. Adjusted odds ratios for the proposed medical device were compared to those reported in the literature and odds ratios calculated for patient risk when using small volume tubes, another potential blood saving technology.
