"The Effects of Muscle Tone on Shoulder Pain in the Post-CVA Population" by Jane Ubben and Kim Moyle

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Physical Therapy (M.S.)

Degree Program

Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Karen Ozga

Second Advisor

Barbara Baker

Third Advisor

Jann-Huei Jinn


The purposes of this study were to determine whether post-CVA hemiplegic shoulder pain is related to hypertonicity, whether muscle tone of the shoulder differed between patients with pain and those without, and to determine whether a relationship exists between hypotonicity or hypertonicity and amount of range of motion (ROM), glenohumeral subluxation, or sensory disturbances, in those who experience pain. Data was analyzed for significance using the Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed Ranks Test, Mann-Whitney U-Test, Chi-Square and Fisher's Exact Tests ({dollar}\alpha{dollar} = 05). Review of l09 charts revealed a significant relationship between ROM limitations and pain. ROM limitations were significantly related to hypertonicity, but hypertonicity was not found to be related to pain when those with and without pain were compared. Comparing muscle tone prior to and following the onset of pain, hypertonicity was found to be significantly related to shoulder pain, P {dollar}<{dollar} 0.01. Shoulder pain was significantly related to sensory deficits and unilateral neglect. ROM limitations may produce pain secondary to contracture development or to abnormal biomechanics of the shoulder joint. Hypertonicity of shoulder musculature may contribute to limitations in ROM. Sensory deficits may lead to trauma resulting in pain. Need for further research regarding effects of muscle tone on pain development in the hemiplegic shoulder was identified.


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