Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (M.S.N.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing

First Advisor

Andrea C. Bostrom

Second Advisor

Kay Setter Kline

Third Advisor

Frances McCrea


Women in increasing numbers have been combining career and family. Balancing the multiple roles may be stressful at times. The purpose of this study was to examine how different stressors influence a woman's ability to utilize coping responses. This study examined the relationships between situational variables and a nurse's ability to cope with multiple roles. The situational variables studied were: age, educational level, number of hours worked, job type, number of children, ages of the children, view of nursing, husband's agreement with the wife on the number of hours worked, and satisfaction with child care. The survey tool, the "Coping Responses Inventory" was used to assess coping and a Research Questionnaire assessed the situational variables. One hundred fifty-five subjects who were nurses, married and had children were recruited at a metropolitan hospital. There was no significant relationship found between the situational variables and coping.


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