"Intuition and the Decision Making Process of Expert Critical Care Nurs" by Kelley A. Hempsall

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (M.S.N.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing

First Advisor

Andrea C. Bostrom

Second Advisor

Kay Setter Kline

Third Advisor

John Zaugra


The purpose of this study was to examine the role of intuition and the decision making process of expert critical care nurses in providing health care for hospitalized patients. A descriptive correlational design was employed using a non-probability convenience sample of 172 registered nurses working in critical care areas. Data were obtained by a questionnaire developed by the researcher. Ninety five nurses (55.2%) responded. Data analysis included a comparison of the relationship of expert nurses' (n = 49) total scores and the total scores of the non-expert nurses (n = 46). No statistically significant difference was found in either the expert or non-expert group based on gender or initial nursing education. A significant difference was found between the 2 groups based on years in critical care and years as a registered nurse. Expert nurses used intuition in decision making more based on significantly higher total scores.


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