Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (M.S.N.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing


The purpose of this study was to determine clinical instructor behaviors that students perceive as important in promoting or hindering their development of self-confidence. One hundred fifty-eight associate degree and baccalaureate nursing students rated 21 clinical teaching behaviors on the degree each helped or hindered their self-confidence as nurses and responded to two open-ended questions by identifying additional behaviors. Factor analysis of these behaviors revealed six dimensions of clinical teaching that characterized the instructor as: encourager, evaluator, discourager, enabler, benevolent presence, and resource. All behaviors contributing to the dimensions of clinical instructor were rated by students as helpful in their development of self-confidence with the exception of instructor as discourager. The instructor as encourager were the most helpful behaviors followed by instructor as enabler. The least helpful behaviors after the instructor as discourager were the instructor as evaluator.


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