"Kindergarten Schedules: Half-Day, Full-Day, Alternate-Day" by Christine Ann McGladdery

Date Approved

Winter 1998

Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

College of Education

First Advisor

Caryn King


Kindergarten schedules have been changing from the widely-used half-day everyday schedule to full-day everyday and full-day alternate-day schedules. This study looks at why these changes have been taking place. It also looks at research of test results of children enrolled in each of the schedules, including longitudinal studies to determine if there is a continuation of benefits gained from a schedule. Parent and teacher attitudes toward the different schedules are researched. Surveys were sent to parents and teachers of Lutheran schools in West Michigan, particularly Our Savior Lutheran School in Grand Rapids, to gather opinions to assist in making a decision regarding a change in kindergarten scheduling. Results of the surveys are reported and comments by parents and teachers are included.


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