"Evaluation of the Community Living Adaptation Scale" by Jane M. Morris

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (M.S.N.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the CLAS. Seventy-three subjects participated from mental health case management agencies. The reliability coefficient for internal consistency o f the CLAS was .82. CLAS was compared to the Global Assessment of Functioning scale using the Pearson’s correlation. Convergent validity was significant to the .36 level indicating a significant relationship at the .01 level. The Self Profile Scale (SPS) was developed by this researcher as a parallel scale to compare the client’s perceptions to the case manager perceptions regarding functional status level. Item to item comparison of the CLAS and SPS indicated similar ratings in 9 o f the 13 hems. There is support for the reliability and validity of CLAS but this is an initial research effort. Continued evaluation of the CLAS is recommended with a larger sample size.


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