"Assessing the Efficacy of Field Training Officers’ Organizational Matu" by Michael White

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Criminal Justice (M.S.)

Degree Program

School of Criminal Justice


The focus of this study was the examination of communication issues in the field of law enforcement in order determine what effect if any, an officers’ organizational maturity has on their decision to utilize verbal and or non-verbal communications when performing their job, especially when interacting with citizens.

The scope of this study is limited, as the research is only concerned with the opinions of patrol officers regarding their ability to effectively communicate verbally and non-verbally. In order to obtain patrol officer perspectives regarding this issue, and for convenience sake, a non-probability sample was established in which field training officers were selected to represent the larger population of patrol officers. As a result, field training officers were asked to complete a self directed survey regarding the importance verbal and non-verbal communications plays in doing the job of a patrol officer. The survey was designed to elicit unique insight into various aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication in order to determine if as a field training officer, they feel it would be beneficial to their profession as a whole, to receive training regarding the communicative arts.

In order for law enforcement to continue to professionalize itself, enhanced communicative skill-sets are no longer an option, but rather a must. Thus, the present research attempts to shed light on this issue by surveying field training officers in order to gather information that can perhaps be utilized in designing a larger more specific study at a later time.


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