Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Engineering (M.S.E.)

Degree Program

School of Engineering

First Advisor

Samhita Rhodes

Second Advisor

Robert Bossemeyer

Third Advisor

Nicholas Baine

Academic Year



Visualization of the cardiac potential movement is important in understanding the physiology of the human heart. A 3D visualization tool will help the cardiology students and others interested in human physiology to understand the functioning of the heart. In this thesis, such a tool is proposed which helps in the visualization of the cardiac potential movement and Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) event on a 3D heart model. The cardiac excitation obtained from a limb lead and a precordial lead of a 12 lead electrocardiograph (ECG) is mapped on a 3D heart model with fixed conduction pathways. The 3D heart model is obtained by modifying an existing anatomically accurate heart model. Fixed conduction pathways are defined on this derived 3D heart model. Each component of the ECG corresponds to the potential movement along each segment of these conduction pathways. The timing information from the limb lead signal is used to map the position of the cardiac potential on these conduction pathways. Amplitude and the timing information obtained from the precordial lead is mapped on a vector which points towards the corresponding precordial electrode on a separate window. This helps in understanding the instantaneous position of the cardiac potential on the transverse plane. Mapping of the cardiac excitation on the conduction pathways will stop and the color map of the heart will change during the occurrence of a PVC event. MIT-BIH arrhythmia database signals with at least one PVC wave were considered as input signal. It is observed that the system was able to detect PVC approximately 95% of the time (for the selected sample signals) and was able to map each ECG component accurately on the conduction pathways with minimum mapping delay.

Included in

Engineering Commons
