"The Relationship Between Locus of Control, Powerlessness, and Job Sati" by Evelyn C. Wirsing

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (M.S.N.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing

First Advisor

Katherine Kim

Second Advisor

Louette Lutjens

Third Advisor

William C. Bell


A cross-sectional descriptive correlational design was used to investigate the following research questions: (a) How much variation in nurses' satisfaction can be predicted from locus of control and powerlessness? and (b) are there statistically significant (p {dollar}<{dollar}.05) differences in job satisfaction among nurses based upon their primary area of practice, highest earned degree, length of employment in current position, and employment status? A random sample of 300 staff nurses from a large acute care teaching hospital was surveyed utilizing a four-part questionnaire. The response rate was 51% (N = 152). Powerlessness accounted for 29% of the variance in job satisfaction scores and locus of control accounted for none of the variation in job satisfaction. Secondly, a weekly significant difference (F(5, 146) = 2.29, p {dollar}<{dollar}.05) in job satisfaction scores existed among clinical specialty groups, however no significant differences in job satisfaction were found for the remaining professional characteristics.


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