Re-think it: Libraries for a new age Conference | Grand Valley State University


Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age
August 10-12, 2015
Grand Valley State University

Abstracts and Presentation Materials from Re-think it sessions:

Invited Panels

20-Minute Presentations

Lightning Rounds


The University Libraries at Grand Valley State University, in cooperation with MCLS, are excited to host the Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age conference. The conference will be held at Grand Valley State University and the new Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons.

As libraries continue to transform themselves to better meet the changing needs and expectations of their users as well as respond to the changing information landscape, it’s important to share and learn from others' experiences. Re-think it: Libraries for a New Agewill provide an opportunity for academic and public librarians, administrators, technologists, architects, designers, furniture manufacturers and educators from across the country to discuss, share, learn and collectively re-think the increasingly important role libraries play in the communities that they serve.

The conference will explore the following areas:

  • Transforming physical library spaces and places
  • Innovative services, programs, or technologies
  • Assessing and evaluating spaces, services, technologies and programs
  • Reflecting community values and needs
  • Developing a forward-thinking organizational culture
The conference will feature panel presentations, contributed paper presentations, tours, lightning rounds, interactive discussion sessions and an opportunity to engage with leaders and experts in design and innovation in public and academic libraries.

The Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons, which opened in June 2013, was designed to re-imagine what a library needs to be. The student-centered library was designed around three core principles: (1) Align the Library environment with the student environment; (2) Allow students to manage their own learning; and (3) Provide an environment that inspires, energizes and engages students. In addition to these new active learning spaces, several new and innovative user-centered library services, programs and organizational structures were developed and implemented during the design and planning stages of the new library.

For more information, please contact:
Linda Anderson, Administrative Assistant to the Dean
University Libraries, Grand Valley State University

Browse the contents of Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age:

2015 Program Descriptions