ScholarWorks@GVSU - Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age: Architects

Presentation Type

Invited Panel

Start Date

11-8-2015 8:45 AM

End Date

11-8-2015 9:45 AM


For whom are we designing libraries? Architects from Stantec, Marble Fairbanks, and MSR Design discuss how they strategically design libraries to align with the pressing needs of their communities. Panelists will explain how utilizing new data tools allows them to think differently about the design process; as well as how the shifting paradigm of academic libraries from books to social spaces is informing the built form. Three case studies in the Re-envisioning Branch Libraries research project will also be presented.


Aug 11th, 8:45 AM Aug 11th, 9:45 AM


For whom are we designing libraries? Architects from Stantec, Marble Fairbanks, and MSR Design discuss how they strategically design libraries to align with the pressing needs of their communities. Panelists will explain how utilizing new data tools allows them to think differently about the design process; as well as how the shifting paradigm of academic libraries from books to social spaces is informing the built form. Three case studies in the Re-envisioning Branch Libraries research project will also be presented.