"Transparency, Performance Assessment, and Awareness of Nonprofits’ Cha" by Ellie Buteau, Mark Chaffin et al.



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Key Points

· In order for nonprofits and foundations to work most effectively together, they must understand each other’s perspectives.

· This article discusses the alignment between the perspectives of nonprofit and foundation chief executive officers on four aspects of foundation practice: transparency with the nonprofits they fund, support for nonprofit-performance assessment, awareness of nonprofits’ challenges, and the degree to which foundations use their resources to help address nonprofits’ challenges.

· Nonprofit and foundation CEOs are aligned when it comes to the degree to which foundations are seen to be aware of nonprofits’ challenges and use their resources to help address them. They are not as well aligned, however, when it comes to the importance of foundations being transparent with the nonprofits they fund and whether or not foundations are supporting those nonprofits in performance assessment efforts.

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