
For Authors

The Foundation Review is the first peer-reviewed journal of philanthropy that publishes articles reporting about the field of philanthropy, including reports by foundations on their own work. Submissions must be in English. Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in The Foundation Review provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article.

Please review the journal’s policies on rights for authors and the publisher, permissions, publication ethics and malpractice, and preservation.


In writing your manuscript, we encourage you to keep the following in mind:

  • The target audience for The Foundation Review is foundation staff, board members, and those who work with them to develop, operate, and evaluate social interventions or programs.
  • Manuscripts should emphasize the practical applications of the findings being described, related to both the content area and grantmaking strategies or tactics.
  • Manuscripts should include, as relevant, the rationale or theory of change behind the work being described (the theory behind the grantmaking strategy, as well as the theory behind the funded activity), the fit with the issue topic, and recommendations for funders and implementers.
  • We encourage you to consider joint authorship (consultant/foundation staff) where appropriate, in order to ensure multiple viewpoints.
  • Your manuscript (including abstract and references) should be 5,000 words or fewer; a book review should be 1,500 words or fewer.
  • Maximize the readability of your manuscript by using a clear writing style. For example, consider using headings to help guide the reader through the article and using bulleted lists as appropriate.
  • The Foundation Review Stylebook is provided as a source for uniform style, punctuation, and usage rules.
  • Please make every effort to use gender-fair language whenever possible. This may require revising sentences. Refer to the National Council of Teachers of English Guidelines for Gender-Fair Use of Language and the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association Stylebook for guidelines.
  • Include a short (two to four word) running title for your manuscript.
  • Reference list entries should follow APA Style. Follow the APA Style guidelines for including digital object identifiers (DOIs) and uniform resource locators (URLs) in references.
  • The manuscript should be blinded for review. When you submit your article electronically, you will add author information separately. IMPORTANT NOTE: To maintain anonymous status when submitting in Microsoft Word, please go to "File > Properties", then remove the name from the Author box.
  • Include an organizational affiliation and brief (one- or two-sentence) biography for each author. Identify a contact author for further correspondence and provide complete contact information (address, telephone and email) for that person.
  • Your article will be reviewed by two to three peers (blind review) prior to final acceptance. You will receive detailed feedback from the reviewers and the editor, either explaining why it was not accepted or giving guidance for your consideration in revising your manuscript, as applicable.
  • You may suggest names of potential knowledgeable reviewers. We do not guarantee that we will use those you suggest.
  • If accepted, your final manuscript will be professionally copy-edited.
  • If your final manuscript is accepted, you will be asked to sign a statement giving the copyright to The Foundation Review/Grand Valley State University and affirming that you have the right to do so.


  • Charts, graphs, photographs, or other illustrations that support key points are helpful. (Note that we will need a signed release from the subject(s) in order to use photographs.)
  • Tables should appear at the end of the manuscript. Be sure to have a reference to each in the manuscript.
  • Submit a separate file with a list of all tables and figures.
  • Figures and other illustrations (photos, etc.) should be submitted as a separate file, with a clear reference to each in the manuscript.
  • Name figure files using the following format:
    1. AuthorLastName – Figure 1.pdf
    2. AuthorLastName – Figure 2.jpg
    3. AuthorLastName – Figure 3.ai
  • We publish in full color online and in print. Figure files must be sufficiently clear for both online color and print versions. Captions and text references must be appropriate for both versions.
  • Figures should be 300 dpi at the size they are to be printed or larger in CMYK color mode. Vector art is preferred. Images in .JPEG or .TIFF format must be CMYK, 300 dpi at 100% scale.
  • Graphics should not be created separately in one program and then placed into a new file in a different program. Please submit graphics in the format listed below that corresponds with the program used to create the original file:
    1. Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) (use Press setting under Job Option) *must be CMYK, 300 dpi at 100% scale
    2. Adobe Illustrator (.ai) *must include linked images and any fonts used for editable (non-outlined) text
    3. Adobe Photoshop (.psd) *must include any font files used for editable (non-rasterized) text
    4. Adobe InDesign (.indd or .idml) *must include linked images and fonts used for editable (non-outlined) text
  • Figure and table files will be generally resized to one- or two-column width. If you have specific figure sizing requirements, please include the details in your manuscript.


Authors have the option to make their articles freely accessible on The Foundation Review website upon payment of a $1,000 per article publication fee. Authors from institutions with current subscriptions receive a discounted open access publishing fee of $750. Authors can send an email to the with their request for open access and invoicing information. The article will immediately be accessible when the issue is published online.

Authors interested in open access publishing should confirm their subscription status with their librarian. If their institution has a current subscription, the author should note the reduced price when requesting open access.

Two years after publication, each article in The Foundation Review is made open access under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. This will allow any reader to download, reproduce, and distribute the article, as long as this is not done for commercial purposes and the article is not modified or adapted.