


High school students participating in postsecondary opportunities – dual enrollment (DE), Early Middle College (EMC), Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) – are more likely to graduate, enroll at a postsecondary institution, and receive an associate degree within six years of finishing high school (Berger et al., 2014). Students participating in postsecondary programs have also been shown to have higher grade point averages as college freshmen and graduate from two- and four-year institutions at higher rates than comparable peers (Jones, 2014). Locally, participating in DE or EMC programs is correlated with higher four-year graduation rates and college degree attainment (Michigan Department of Education, 2023). Recognizing the significant academic benefits postsecondary opportunities provide high school students, the Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Charter School Office (CSO) has placed considerable emphasis on promoting these opportunities in authorized schools. This report seeks to understand postsecondary opportunities available to students in GVSU-authorized charter schools and how these opportunities compare to demographically similar traditional public schools. Results will inform how the CSO can better support schools in providing students with access to postsecondary opportunities.

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