Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants


Resisting the Romance of the Promised Land: Lawrence Hill The Book of Negroes


English Department


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Date Range



Arts and Humanities


In The Book of Negroes (2007) Lawrence Hill continues the work of filling the gaps of Canada national history with often forgotten black memories. Through Aminata Diallo geographic movements, Hill disturbs the conventional narrative that depicts Canada as the space of benevolence for fugitive slaves. Resisting the official narrative of Canada national history is challenging enough; yet The Book of Negroes does more besides. As Hill rewrites Canada historical narrative, he too writes against the historical narrative of African America, a cultural nation within the United States that too, is invested in Canada remaining the mythical Heaven that the enslaved sang about in the spirituals. In my paper I will examine how Hill transnational writing both complicates and enriches Canadian and American literatures of black slavery in North America.

Conference Name

The Changing Landscape of American Multiethnic Literature through Historical Crises

Conference Location

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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