"Benefits of Inclusion: Supports and Strategies for Students with Intel" by Molly M. McCain

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

College of Education

First Advisor

Catherine Meyer-Looze

Academic Year



Special Education has evolved over the years. One shift has been the placement of students with special needs, specifically those with Intellectual Disabilities (ID). These students are getting out of their special education classrooms and are being mainstreamed in the general education setting with their same aged peers. Studies have revealed there are positive social and academic benefits to inclusion, including increases in peer-to-peer interactions, shared learning opportunities, and access to general education curriculums. Unfortunately, students do not always acquire these benefits because people working with students with ID: students, teachers, and paraprofessionals, are unaware of what inclusion is and what the best practices are for implementing it. This project examines research-based supports and strategies for inclusion implementation, so that students with ID can acquire the academic and social benefits of inclusion.
