"Professional Development through Literacy Coaching: Tools to Assist Li" by Rose M. Brooks

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education-Literacy Studies: Reading (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

College of Education

First Advisor

Elizabeth Stolle

Academic Year



Professional development should be job-embedded, focused on the context of the work and allow ample time for practice and application. Recently, literacy coaching has been more widely implemented as a way to improve professional development for teachers. While there is a great deal of research around effective coaching practices, few resources to assess the implementation and quality of literacy coaching exist. This project explores the features of high-quality professional development and literacy coaching in order to develop self-reflection assessment tools for literacy coaches. This project offers a rubric, along with other supporting documents, to assist literacy coaches in reflecting, goal setting, and improving their practice. The rubric utilizes the facets of high-quality professional development and evidence-based practice for literacy coaches in hopes of supporting self-reflection and improving literacy coaching practice.
