Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education-Instruction and Curriculum: Early Childhood Education (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

College of Education

First Advisor

Sherie Klee

Academic Year



It has been referenced that behavior management is a top professional development need for early childhood teachers to address challenging behaviors in children (Brock & Beaman-Diglia, 2018). There are evidence-based practices that exist to address severe challenging behavior, but promoting implementation of evidence-based practices remains a challenge (Brock & Beaman-Diglia, 2018). Challenging behavior comes from children not having the social skills to engage in appropriate behaviors and not knowing how to communicate emotions in appropriate ways. Research connects early social-emotional development, especially emotional control, self-regulation, attention, and having appropriate social skills, to the development of higher-order cognitive functioning and to school readiness in children (Green et al., 2012). This project is to implement a framework of evidence-based practices, for preschool teachers to use, to promote young children’s healthy social and emotional development. Key components of the framework will include a professional development series for teachers that include how to implement a social emotional framework that promotes social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes for children, look for disparities in discipline practices, promote family engagement, and use data for decision-making. The framework will promote inclusion of children with, and at risk for, developmental delays and disabilities. By Increasing social emotional skill development in children, it will help decrease challenging behavior in preschool classrooms. Keywords: challenging behavior, preschool teachers, social-emotional learning

Included in

Education Commons
