Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education-Educational Leadership (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

College of Education

First Advisor

Richard Geisel

Academic Year



Research has revealed important information regarding the recurring problem of teacher attrition throughout the field of education and solutions to combat the ongoing problem. This project explores the reasons that teachers are leaving the field early before retirement and subsequently, the development of mentorship programs in an effort to eradicate the problem. It has been concluded that mentorships are beneficial to the growth and retention of quality teachers, but current programs are lacking in some areas, leading to ineffective implementation of these programs. The proposed elements to the correct implementation of a quality program include best practices being instituted, specifically a program that has time embedded in the work day and has a high-level of contact time with a focus on frequency and intentionality. In addition, a network should be created between participants to further the mentorship of beginning teachers which may include administration, nationwide networks, and a program team. A focus on professional development for mentors to become stronger and better serve their mentees is also critical to a successful program. Formative and summative evaluation of mentors and mentees, as well as the program in its entirety, will be necessary to adjust the program to meet the needs of all participants.
