Categorization of Food Value via Crayfish Aggression


Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In numerous species, social interactions play a key role in deciding the allocation of resources. Aggression is a tactic that crayfish utilize to become dominant, which allows them to acquire higher quality resources. Many studies of aggression and agonistic interactions have used crayfish because they are known to be innately aggressive and are quick to become involved in agonistic interactions that may escalate into fighting. The primary objective of this study is to elucidate the relationship between differing food resources and their effect on aggression of crayfish. It is hypothesized that increased desirability for the food resource will induce more aggressive interactions to obtain it. SUBJECTS: Trials were conducted with two different crayfish species - Orconectes propinquus (n=138) and Orconectes rusticus (n= 104) - in collaboration with Saginaw Valley State. METHODS: Interactions between male crayfish were recorded in a customized tank after 6 different foods were introduced. Crayfish interactions were analyzed using an ethogram to grade intensity levels. RESULTS: Bottom Feeder pellets appears to increase the average time male Orconectes propinquus spend displaying more aggressive behaviors. Tilipa appears to increase the average time male Orconectes rusticus spend displaying more aggressive behaviors. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The two species of crayfish observed appear to find different food resources more valuable in this study.

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Apr 19th, 3:30 PM

Categorization of Food Value via Crayfish Aggression

Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In numerous species, social interactions play a key role in deciding the allocation of resources. Aggression is a tactic that crayfish utilize to become dominant, which allows them to acquire higher quality resources. Many studies of aggression and agonistic interactions have used crayfish because they are known to be innately aggressive and are quick to become involved in agonistic interactions that may escalate into fighting. The primary objective of this study is to elucidate the relationship between differing food resources and their effect on aggression of crayfish. It is hypothesized that increased desirability for the food resource will induce more aggressive interactions to obtain it. SUBJECTS: Trials were conducted with two different crayfish species - Orconectes propinquus (n=138) and Orconectes rusticus (n= 104) - in collaboration with Saginaw Valley State. METHODS: Interactions between male crayfish were recorded in a customized tank after 6 different foods were introduced. Crayfish interactions were analyzed using an ethogram to grade intensity levels. RESULTS: Bottom Feeder pellets appears to increase the average time male Orconectes propinquus spend displaying more aggressive behaviors. Tilipa appears to increase the average time male Orconectes rusticus spend displaying more aggressive behaviors. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The two species of crayfish observed appear to find different food resources more valuable in this study.