Metrica - Statistical/Data Analysis for Michigan Association of United Ways and Michigan 2-1-1


Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall


PURPOSE: Michigan 2-1-1 takes calls from around the state and collects data from people looking for a reference to local services or help groups, such as transportation or food pantries. It helped familiarize me with the working data in a setting where I am the only expert on data and analytics. CHALLENGE: There was a total of 4 dataset formats that I had to work with, on top of seven centers having differently formatted questions, resulting in twenty-eight different data set combinations that had to be cleaned, sorted, and combine in order to have a full functioning set of data. EXPERINCE: I had to integrate data from the Michigan 2-1-1 program into various visualizations in order to make it easier to understand for the program directors. We created visualizations of the data at multiple levels, from the whole state to small townships, to determine where certain needs are being requested. OUTCOME: We used the information gathered from all the visualizations we created to give a better understanding of the needs of our communities in Michigan. IMPACT: It helped familiarize me with the working data in a setting where I am the only expert on data and analytics. It gave me the opportunity to hone a variety of skills and it helped me find out the type of work I want to do when I graduate.

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Apr 15th, 3:30 PM

Metrica - Statistical/Data Analysis for Michigan Association of United Ways and Michigan 2-1-1

Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall

PURPOSE: Michigan 2-1-1 takes calls from around the state and collects data from people looking for a reference to local services or help groups, such as transportation or food pantries. It helped familiarize me with the working data in a setting where I am the only expert on data and analytics. CHALLENGE: There was a total of 4 dataset formats that I had to work with, on top of seven centers having differently formatted questions, resulting in twenty-eight different data set combinations that had to be cleaned, sorted, and combine in order to have a full functioning set of data. EXPERINCE: I had to integrate data from the Michigan 2-1-1 program into various visualizations in order to make it easier to understand for the program directors. We created visualizations of the data at multiple levels, from the whole state to small townships, to determine where certain needs are being requested. OUTCOME: We used the information gathered from all the visualizations we created to give a better understanding of the needs of our communities in Michigan. IMPACT: It helped familiarize me with the working data in a setting where I am the only expert on data and analytics. It gave me the opportunity to hone a variety of skills and it helped me find out the type of work I want to do when I graduate.