Getting Clinical at QST Consultations, LTD


Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall


PURPOSE: A showcase of my internship experience at QST Consultations, LTD. QST is a clinical research organization that specializes in partnering with medical device and pharmaceutical industries in their clinical research endeavors. CHALLENGE: As a Statistical Services Intern at QST, I learned about the clinical research industry. In particular, I became familiar with the organization and analysis of data involving human clinical trials. EXPERIENCE: I had the opportunity to program outputs, such as tables and listings, for clients to submit to regulatory authorities. Overall, the internship experience integrated SAS programming knowledge, statistical applications, and biomedical research in order to analyze the safety and efficacy of new study drugs and devices. OUTCOME: Upon completion of my internship, I have gained hands-on experience in the analysis and development of clinical trials. During this hands-on experience, I have improved my SAS programming skills and acquired a deeper understanding of the clinical research industry as a whole. IMPACT: This experience integrated the theory and practice of biostatistics; it allowed me to partake in professional applications of statistics and personal development that cannot be taught within the classroom.

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Apr 15th, 3:30 PM

Getting Clinical at QST Consultations, LTD

Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall

PURPOSE: A showcase of my internship experience at QST Consultations, LTD. QST is a clinical research organization that specializes in partnering with medical device and pharmaceutical industries in their clinical research endeavors. CHALLENGE: As a Statistical Services Intern at QST, I learned about the clinical research industry. In particular, I became familiar with the organization and analysis of data involving human clinical trials. EXPERIENCE: I had the opportunity to program outputs, such as tables and listings, for clients to submit to regulatory authorities. Overall, the internship experience integrated SAS programming knowledge, statistical applications, and biomedical research in order to analyze the safety and efficacy of new study drugs and devices. OUTCOME: Upon completion of my internship, I have gained hands-on experience in the analysis and development of clinical trials. During this hands-on experience, I have improved my SAS programming skills and acquired a deeper understanding of the clinical research industry as a whole. IMPACT: This experience integrated the theory and practice of biostatistics; it allowed me to partake in professional applications of statistics and personal development that cannot be taught within the classroom.